Monday, May 26, 2008


TANYA! Thanks for your email. You are right, I did not have a current working email address for you! THANKS for sending me one!! ~ ~ I guess we'll just go along here and see what develops. It will be a learn as you go, I suppose. "-) I LOVE being notified that someone has commented! It's like Christmas! "-)

Not much to report. I thought ML was coming this weekend but it didn't work out. I'm disappointed but I now I still have her visit to look forward to!! Know what I mean, Jelly Bean? "-)

Happy Birthday, Dale!! This is the day to celebrate you! Jazmine's and Daryl's birthdays are Wednesday, the 28th! Happy Birthday to them, also! Denise's birthday is June 1st which isn't many days away but I wasn't thinking about it because it's in a different month! "-) Silly me! Happy Birthday, Denise, in a less than a week!!

I wish there was a way for everyone to be notified when there is a comment or posting. I was going to do a new post to add this and then I got to a place that allowed me to edit this posting. However, I'm not sure how I got to that place...It would be a learning experience is I could ever remember what I have done.... "-) Ain't life grand?! "-)

LOVE thinking about you all!!


The Amayesings said...

Yes, Happy Birthday everyone!

MK, I heard that you could do a family website where everyone can post their news and photos. However, that is the extent of my knowledge--it exists. Tim, you're the techie, fill us in man!

Best4Last said...

Maybe we need to ask Tanya. Seems like she did that for a while with some kind of phoning thing. This lady in our ward used to design websites but I have heard that she does blogs cuz they are easier to maintain.